Le Sapin de Vancouver, appelé aussi Abies Grandis est un des plus grands arbres d’Europe qui occupe une part importante dans l’économie forestière française. Matthews: grand fir ABGRI2: Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindl. Symbol Scientific Name Other Common Names; ABGRJ: Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindl. Native from coastal Sonoma County, just south of the Russian River, north to British Columbia and east to the Rockies. Il est surement le résineux le plus productif avec une croissance très accélérée. Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindl. Famille. Abies Grandis is an evergreen Tree growing to 75 m (246ft) by 8 m (26ft) at a fast rate. PLANTATION et ENTRETIEN de ABIES grandis 'Aurea' (sapin géant, sapin de Vancouver). Grand indeed. It is in leaf all year, and the seeds ripen from September to October. A broad zone of intergraded grand × white fir populations occurs from northeastern Washington and Oregon south to … Vivaces. Description. (Pinaceae) [104,110,102]. (Ay-beez GRAN-dis) Names: Grand Fir is also sometimes called Lowland Fir because it is the only fir in our area commonly found in lower elevations. Arbres. Le sapin Abies Grandis de taille moyenne ou sapin de Vancouver à port conique est originaire d'Amérique du Nord. Arbustes. This cultivar was selected from an intentional hybridization between Abies grandis and Abies concolor by Kurt Wittboldt-Müller in Germany. Disposées en double peigne à dents inégales, ses aiguilles présentent deux bandes blanches sur leur face inférieure. Aiguilles persistantes d'un vert intense au revers terne, avec une odeur citronnée. f. johnsonii O.V. ssp. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Recherche multi-critères. Grand fir hybridizes with white fir (A. concolor) [116,45]. Le Jardin du Pic Vert : Spécialiste de la vente en ligne de végétaux depuis 2003. contact Blog MENU.
Abies grandis (Giant fir) will reach a height of 60m and a spread of 8m after 20-50 years.. It is hardy to zone (UK) 6 and is not frost tender. Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device. Plant in moist but well-drained slightly acidic soil.
The species name reflects this conifer's status as the tallest-known fir species. Abiétacées. Sapin Abies Nordmann Label Rouge:150/175cm bûché ... 44,99 € + Indisponible. Il possède des aiguilles plates, droites, non piquantes avec une couleur vert foncé brillantes. The species is monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and is pollinated by Wind. Cultivation. 0. Architectural, Hedging/Screens, Low Maintenance, Wind-breaker. Feuillage. idahoensis (Silba) Silba: subalpine fir ABGRG The scientific name of grand fir is Abies grandis (Dougl.) Grand arbre au port pyramidal, dont la croissance est … Glossy, dark green needles and a symmetrical form make this native fir one of our choicest conifers. An … Abies grandis. Abies grandis, as described in 1833 by (Douglas ex D. Don) John Lindley (1799–1865), in The Penny Cyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, is commonly known as grand or silver fir; as well as sapin grandissime in the French language. Achat d'Abies grandis- sur Jardin du pic Vert : Jardinerie spécialiste de la vente en ligne de végétaux. One of the tallest firs in the world, Abies grandis (Grand Fir) is a large evergreen conifer of narrow, conical habit becoming round-topped or straggly with age. Its spreading and drooping branches are densely clad with sharp-tipped needles, shiny dark green above with two silver bands beneath.
grand fir. Vente en ligne de Conifères - Conifères à grand développement ou Conifères nains, Conifères à port pyramidal ou à port étalé, Conifères à feuillage persistant ou … Abies grandis. Needles flat, spreading almost at right angles in 2 rows, crowded and turned upward on upper branches, 1.5-6 cm long (often alternating short and long needles), apex notched, grooved, shiny and dark green above, silvery-white beneath, odor of oranges when crushed. Relationships: There are about 40 species of true firs in the world, 9 in North America. Sapin naturel Grandis 125/150 cm, bûché . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Grand Fir 20 Seeds - Abies grandis - Bonsai at the best online prices at eBay! Lindl. L'ABIES grandis ou SAPIN DE VANCOUVER est un conifère persistant à croissance rapide, d'une hauteur adulte de 30 m. Les aiguilles vert sombre à revers glauque ont une odeur de citronnelle quand on les froisse et le SAPIN DE VANCOUVER produit des cônes au sommet de l’arbre. Nos plantes en promotion. The Plants Database includes the following 15 species of Abies . Free shipping for many products! Elles sont disposées dans deux ou trois plans et sont incurvées sur les bords. Suggested uses.
Ethnobotany. Conifer, evergreen, large (the largest Abies), 100-250 ft (30-76 m), conical, slightly drooping branches. The needles are arranged in 2 distinct, flattened rows.