"Limitless" tackles a very controversial NZT pill on the show's storyline. !sPlease sign to help get #LimitlessSeason2.
Start a petition of your own Start a petition of your own. Limitless Season 2. (Disponível na Netflix). The TV series from the CBS network has started with a very impressive rating during Season 1.
Fast, free delivery. Get unlimited DVD Movies & TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. Limitless was cancelled earlier on this year but its getting extremely popular on Netflix! Unfortunately, as it proceeded with the episodes, the show's ratings have begun to drop. Baseado na série Limitless. One month free trial! Limitless Season 2: This TV series hasn't been renewed for the second installment yet. Rent Limitless (2011) starring Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro on DVD and Blu-ray. Limitless est une série TV de Craig Sweeny avec Jake McDorman (Brian Finch), Jennifer Carpenter (Rebecca Harris).
Limitless, based on the feature film, picks up where the movie left off and follows Brian Sinclair as he discovers the power of the mysterious drug NZT, and is coerced into using his newfound drug-enhanced abilities to solve weekly cases for the FBI. I think if Netflix renewed it they could do a great job with the series!
* Você deverá assistir a série Limitless (1 temporada) para entender algumas coisas desta continuação.
The low ratings have reportedly affected the series' chances to get a green light for the renewal. 0 have signed.
Let’s get to 25,000!
Eunan Murray started this petition to Netflix and 2 others. Limitless En mislykket musiker kan ved hjælp af en pille udnytte sin hjernes fulde kapacitet og hyres af FBI til løse deres sværeste sager i denne serie baseret på filmen fra 2011.
But, there are huge hopes that Limitless sequel would release.
Netflix has so many TV shows to choose from, with … Retrouvez toutes les news et les vidéos de la série Limitless. Medvirkende: Blair Brown , Bradley Cooper , Hill Harper , Jake McDorman , Jennifer Carpenter , Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio , … In this list of the best Netflix shows, we chose TV series that are worth binge-watching any day of the week. Brian Finch foi um músico fracassado, mas graças a uma droga que o deixa 100% inteligente, ele consegue dar a volta por cima e sua vida muda completamente.