Standard supplied by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and the Zimbabwe Kennel Club. General Appearance. Unique parce qu’elle a une crête de poils en forme de dague poussant à rebours sur le dos, on dit qu’elle descend des chiens à crête natifs d’Afrique du Sud connu dans ce pays depuis le 16e siècle.
Infine, lo standard del Rhodesian Ridgeback venne stabilito dal South African Kennel Union nel 1926. Grazie alla sua spiccata intelligenza e fedeltà al padrone spesso viene scelto anche come cane da guardia e … Standard supplied by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and the Zimbabwe Kennel Club. The breed is also known as the African Lion Hound due to their history in helping to hunt lions in the savannah. La race fut officiellement … The Rhodesian Ridgeback not only tracks their prey but can hold also quarry at bay.
ORIGIN: Southern Africa.
A mature Ridgeback is a handsome, upstanding and athletic dog, capable of great endurance with a fair (good) amount of speed.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Breed Standard General Appearance The Ridgeback represents a strong, muscular and active hound, symmetrical and balanced in outline.
Oggi come oggi il Rhodesian Ridgeback è l’unica razza di cane indigena che viene dal Sud Africa. Un peu d'histoire. A mature Ridgeback is a handsome, upstanding and athletic dog, capable of great endurance with a fair (good) amount of speed. Sighthound and Pariah Dog Group. Sighthound and Pariah Dog Group. The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the …
Der Rhodesian Ridgeback ist eine von der FCI anerkannte Hunderasse aus Südafrika und Simbabwe (FCI-Gruppe 6, Sektion 3, Standard Nr.
Standard supplied by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and the Zimbabwe Kennel Club.
A mature Ridgeback is a handsome, upstanding and athletic dog, capable of great endurance with a fair (good) amount of speed. The Ridgeback represents a strong, muscular and active dog, symmetrical and balanced in outline. GENERAL APPEARANCE The Ridgeback represents a strong, muscular and active dog, symmetrical and balanced in outline. La razza Rhodesian Ridgeback e l’impiego nei secoli.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Breed Standard .
A mature Ridgeback is a handsome, upstanding and athletic dog, capable of great endurance with a fair (good) amount of speed. UTILIZATION: The Rhodesian Ridgeback is still used to hunt game in many parts of the world, but is especially prized as watch-dog and family pet. ORIGIN: Southern Africa.
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK. STANDARD DE LA RACE Rhodesian Ridgeback 02.04.1997 / FR Standard FCI N° 146 CHIEN DE RHODESIE A CRETE DORSALE (Rhodesian Ridgeback) TRADUCTION : Prof.R.Triquet et Dr.J.-M.Paschoud / Version originale (EN).
DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THE ORIGINAL VALID STANDARD: 10.12.1996. RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK. Il Rhodesian Ridgeback nei secoli ha trovato largo impiego come cane da caccia, attività in cui ancora oggi viene destinato in diversi Paesi. Il Rhodesian Ridgeback era un cane noto soprattutto perché veniva usato per cacciare leopardi, babbuini, e soprattutto per la caccia al leone.
De vereniging stelt zich ten doel fokkers en liefhebbers van Rhodesian Ridgebacks nader tot elkaar te brengen en de fokkerij van dit ras in Nederland in kwalitatieve zin te bevorderen. General Appearance The Ridgeback represents a strong, muscular and active hound, symmetrical and balanced in outline. Rhodesian Ridgeback. Espérance de vie: entre 12 et 13 ans.
ORIGIN: Southern Africa.
Le premier standard a été rédigé en 1922. 3. RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK. A mature Ridgeback is a handsome, upstanding and athletic dog, capable of great endurance with a fair (good) amount of speed. Rhodesian ridgeback Origine Le rhodesian ridgeback est la seule race reconnue provenant d’Afrique du Sud.
146).Die Rasse wird in vielen Teilen der Welt zur Jagd von Wild verwendet, aber auch als Wachhund und Familienhund gehalten. 3. Il n’existe pas de documents permettant de définir les origines du Rhodesian Ridgeback. Le Rhodesian Ridgeback la porte légèrement courbée. OFFICIAL STANDARD FOR THE RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK. Rhodesian Ridgeback Breed Standard . General Appearance The Ridgeback represents a strong, muscular and active hound, symmetrical and balanced in outline. Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Formal AKC Ridgeback Standard Formal Rhodesian Ridgeback Standard Hound Group. The breed is also known as the African Lion Hound due to their history in helping to hunt lions in the savannah. Welkom op de website van de Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Nederland.
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