4.5 out of 5 stars 7.
Buy Guy Bourdin, A message for you (STEIDL LG) by Meyer, Nicolle, Dangin, Pascal, Verthime, Shelly (ISBN: 9783869305042) from Amazon's Book Store. Guy Bourdin: Polaroids (Beaux livres) by Oliviero Toscani Only 5 left in stock (more on the way). One of the Polaroid's acknowledged masters, Guy Bourdin (1928-1991) brought to the medium an uncanny ability to combine the snapshot feel with a strong patina of glamour, and of course plenty of sexiness. These prints are of the highest standard in quality. Achetez les produits Guy Bourdin et profitez de la livraison gratuite en livre. Guy Bourdin created images containing fascinating stories, compositions and colors. Il expose ses oeuvres dès 1954 et commence à publier ses photographies de mode dans Vogue en 1955, inaugurant ainsi une collaboration qui allait se poursuivre plus de trente ans. Cet autodidacte est né et a vécu à Paris, où il a exercé son art des années 1950 à la fin des années 1980. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Details: You Save: You Save: $13.96 (28%) "Magnificent Polaroids" - by Polaroid Girl (Brewster, NY USA) It might be fair to say that Guy Bourdin was incapable of taking a bad, or worse yet, boring photograph. Guy Bourdin’s vivid, narrative-infused work placed him at the vanguard of fashion photography for a career that spanned four decades.
Hardcover. Guy Bourdin: In Between (2010-05-31) 4.8 out of 5 stars 7. $35.99. Guy Bourdin: Polaroids (Beaux livres) Oliviero Toscani. Guy Bourdin.
L’expédition à domicile et la cueillette en magasin sont gratuites pour les commandes admissibles. Achetez le livre Couverture rigide, Guy Bourdin: Polaroids de Guy Bourdin sur Indigo.ca, la plus grande librairie au Canada. 4.5 out of 5 stars 16. $65.00. Condition: New. It is fair to assume that all other material is of dubious origin and subpar quality. Pendant les années 1970 et 1980, ses photographies ont également remplis les pages des magazines de mode internationaux avec les campagnes publicitaires pour Charles Jourdan, Bloomingdales, Versace, Chanel et Dior. Hardcover. Throughout his career, and notably as a star photographer throughthree decades for Vogue Paris, he dramatically extended the possibilities of what a fashionphotograph could be, making images that are distinctive, intense, haunting, and unforgettable. Hardcover. Hardcover. List Price: List Price: $49.95: Price: Price: $35.99 & FREE Shipping. Everyday low … 3.8 out of 5 stars 44. Guy Bourdin: Polaroids (Beaux livres) Oliviero Toscani. Guy Bourdin: Untouched Shelly Verthime. 3.8 out of 5 stars 44. Guy Bourdin ranks high in the pantheon of the most important photographers of the secondhalf of the twentieth century. $571.00. Using fashion photography as his medium, Bourdin explored the provocative and the sublime with a relentless perfectionism and sharp humor, breaking with the conventions of commercial photography and capturing the imagination of a generation. Guy Bourdin Matthias Harder. Guy Bourdin Alison M. Gingeras. It might be fair to say that Guy Bourdin was incapable of taking a bad, or worse yet, boring photograph. Die Karriere des Modefotografen Guy Bourdin (1928 - 1991) spannt sich über drei Jahrzehnte.
4.5 out of 5 stars 16. Hardcover.
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