During the French Revolution, Sébastien Erard went to London and opened a branch of the company. Très vite le pianoforte s’affirme comme un rival du clavecin. La première Exposition internationale de Paris, celle de 1855, lui valut une médaille d'honneur.
Perfectionnemens apportés dans le mécanisme du piano par les Érard, depuis l'origine de cet instrument jusqu'à l'Exposition de 1834 (1834) The Harp in its present improved state compared with the original pedal harp (1821) ... Pierre Erard (Nécrologie) (1855) Well, after my best estimate of the Erard Piano's age based upon serial numbers (I guessed 1859) it turns out that an artisan's mark on whippen #11 "A. Royer"--I have seen that name before in photos of other Erards from the period--indicates a manufacture date of 1858.
Bonnes affaires piano erard ! 1855 – Steinway & Sons introduced the first square piano with a new scale that revolutionized the sound quality and was adopted by all future manufacturers.
Érard's pianos were also widely appreciated by the foremost musicians - Charles-Valentin Alkan, Beethoven, Chopin, Fauré, Haydn, Herz, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Moscheles, Wagner, Verdi and Ravel are just a few of the famous composers who owned Erard Pianos. Chopin Piano Concerto No.2 in f minor, Op.21, performed by Gold Medalist of the 1980 Chopin Competition, Dang Thai Son (on an 1849 Erard piano), and Frans Bruggen conducting the Orchestra of the 18th Century, at the 2010 Warsaw gala concert closing the worldwide celebrations of Chopin's 200th birth anniversary.
1600 W. 13TH ST, HOUSTON, TX 77008 Come drop by …
Sébastien Erard and his brother Jean-Baptiste entered a partnership in 1788 and became the leading French piano company in the 19th century. Very soon, the … The decoration of the 1862 Chickering piano in the Frederick Collection, an eight-foot five-inch concert grand with a single-piece cast frame, is comparatively modest – although not so austere as the Collection’s Erard concert piano of 1877. Le piano Erard est une institution.
Bref, un … Mon piano : Erard Mezzo, Erard 0, Guillot No9 Localisation : Londres. Sebastien Erard creates double movement harp ... 1855 : Mort du facteur de piano Pierre Erard: Curiosa: Ebéniste d'art restaurateur de pianos Pleyel de l'époque Chopin, Erard, Gaveau, Boisselot, Graf.
exposition universelle 1855 medaille d’honneur a erard On the soundboard is the inscription, Par Brevet d’Invention Erard à Paris This Erard was imported to Washington, DC from the Isle of Guernsey in 2006 by a descendant of the family which had owned the piano for at least three previous generations, possibly since it was purchased new. Showcased in our piano timeline are the notable achievements in the history and evolution of the instrument.
Ainsi la maison Erard, après avoir pris le piano à son berceau, ne cessait de l'améliorer; toutes nos expositions étaient pour elle l'occasion de nouveaux triomphes. Découvrez nos prix bas piano erard et bénéficiez de 5% minimum remboursés sur votre achat. HPC: INFO & NAVIGATION. 1809 : Brevet piano Erard pour la mecanique a etrier.
Re: Estimation Piano Erard.
A curious fact is that both Sebastien and his competitor Ignaz Pleyel died in the same year 1831, and both Pierre Erard and Pleyel's son, Camille, died in the same year 1855. Sebastien's nephew Pierre continued to operate the two branches of the Erard firm until his death in 1855. 1840 Erard Grand Piano. Sebastien Erard patent for piano mecanique a etrier 1810 : Sebastien Erard crée la harpe à double mouvement. Plusieurs modèles, dont des anciens prestigieux, sont disponibles dans notre rayon. Company Message. According to Pierre Erard (1794-1855), Sebastien’s nephew, « Sebastien and Jean-Baptiste Erard […] set up as instrument-makers in Paris in 1770-75. Bien qu’il n’ait pas vécu cette période faste, Sébastien a tout de même connu de son vivant un succès mérité : parti de rien, il … Nous recensons également pour contenter tous les musiciens une gamme de piano Gaveau et de piano Pleyel.
Selon Pierre Erard (1794-1855), le neveu de Sébastien, « Sébastien et Jean-Baptiste Erard […] s’installèrent à Paris comme facteurs d’instruments dans les années 1770-75.