Campagne Intermarché conçue par Romance. Première diffusion 26 novembre 2017 .
“J’ai tant rêvé” Intermarché. Bercé par le titre « J’ai tant rêvé » d’Henri Salvador, le conte d’Intermarché saura autant toucher les enfants que les parents. Dispositif TV, web, réseaux sociaux. Intermarché J'ai tant rêvé licensed music mix music supervision sound design 27 November 2017 Director Katia Lewkowicz Production company Carnibird Chief creative officer Alexandre Hervé Head of Production Sophie Megrous Post production Sylvie Dumas Agency Romance
Pub AMAZON NOEL 2018 - Les colis qui chantent ! Somewhere between an ad and a short film, this spot, filmed in the UK, borrows the title of Henri Salvador's famous song, J'ai tant rêvé ( I've dreamt so much ). When it comes to food, Christmas season is all about excess, never-ending meals, fat food, sugar, foie gras, wine, deserts, liqueurs…especially in France.
Thankfully, in French retailer Intermarche's new Christmas story, a little boy, with the help of his big sister, decides to tackle the problem. Pub Intermarché Noël - J’ai tant rêvé - 2017 mp3 Duration 2:32 Size 5.80 MB / Agence UPMOTION - Agence web Vendée 5. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. French Agency Romance has created this web film for Intermarche which tells the story of a young man who finds a … PUB AMAZON NOEL + Musique mp3 Duration 1:13 Size 2.78 MB / DROLE DE PUB 7. Intermarché - Je t'aime trop mp3 Duration 1:31 Size 3.47 MB / Intermarch é 6.
Let's get real: Christmas is in danger. Intermarché - J'ai tant rêvé .
Television J'ai tant rêvé for Intermarché by Romance - A little boy, with the help of his big sister, decides to tackle the problem. Blind Test - Musique de pub - 20 extraits mp3 Duration 4:41 Size …
25 oct. 2018 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Allison Dobkin. Top 6: March 22nd 2017. Twitter; Facebook; Linkedin; Award: Wood Pencil. Wood Pencil / Film Advertising Crafts / Casting for Film Advertising / 2018 This film charts the festive mission of two kids to find healthier eating options for Santa. Yes, we can eat better during the festive season.
Intermarche: L’amour l’amour l’amour Embed Video Save for $5; Download FREE with PRO membership; Tweet .