How well does Assassin's Creed … The set-up for Juno to take the reins as the villain of the series spanned the entirety of the Desmond Miles games, and Assassin’s Creed III had shown her to be free once again.
Juno's choice for Desmond - sacrifice yourself, let me free, and I'll save the world from the solar flare using … Through Desmond’s DNA memories, we learned about two secret societies, Templars and Assassins, which exist to provide the checks and balances to keep the world in order. Sure, upwards of 95% of humanity dies, and the cycle of conflict between the Assassins and Templar begins again eventually, but at least Juno isn't alive. Assassin's Creed is an action-adventure stealth video game franchise published by Ubisoft and developed, mainly, by Ubisoft Montreal using the game engine Anvil and its more advanced derivatives. Assassin's Creed 3 ends with a choice. At Juno's prompting, Minerva then showed Desmond the future: if Desmond allowed the Sun to destroy the Earth, the ground would crack and spit fire into the sky, but he and his Assassin team would emerge from the vault unscathed, resolving to lay a foundation that such a tragedy would not befall the world again. Assassin’s Creed Uprising #12 will be the culmination of Juno’s story, a recurring arc which appears in almost all of the games. We are an Assassin's Creed Fan Community dedicated to providing news, theories and updates. Given that the newest games have trended toward illustrating the faults of some assassins and the virtues of some Templars--going as far as to make some Templars like Shay, Haytham and Berg out to be heroes--I have to think that the Templar order is not intentionally working to advance Juno's plot. Minerva explaining the consequences of releasing Juno. WARNING SPOILERS !!!! However, Juno’s whereabouts have been a mystery since then. Spoiler warning: The following article discusses the ending of Assassin's Creed 3 in detail. Desmond enters an underground catacomb and has a run-in with another member of the First Civilization, Juno (recall: In Assassin's Creed 2, Desmond encountered Minerva when … Trapped in a digital nowhere, Desmond Miles and Clay Kaczmarek have a talk about how things got this way, and the man they both descend from. But Juno would be free - free to bring the slaves back under her control. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Desmond Miles; Clay Kaczmarek | Subject 16; Juno (Assassin's Creed) Elijah; Summary. Created in 2014, TOWCB is an active Community, made up of passionate fans around the world. Juno (Assassin's Creed) (76) Desmond Miles (60) Rebecca Crane (41) Shaun Hastings (40) William Miles (32) Ezio Auditore da Firenze (29) Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (29) Minerva (Assassin's Creed) (27) Lucy Stillman (21) Ratonhnhaké:ton | Connor (20) Exclude Relationships Now, on surface, The Choice looks pretty clear-cut - Minerva's choice being more of an Assassin oriented one, while Juno… The Assassin’s Creed lore is truly complex. For Assassin's Creed III on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "So how do you think Juno (SPOILERS)". Juno appeared four times as a holographic form to Desmond Miles, a modern day Assassin, as he completed the path through the Colosseum.She appeared …
The Instruments of the First Will, also known as the Juno cult, is a secretive polytheistic religious organization who worship the First Civilization as their deities. Tags. Note that all spoilers must be correctly tagged; please review our rules and spoiler policy before posting. Desmond Miles was the original Assassin’s Creed Modern Day protagonist. The Phoenix Project saga is a present-day Assassin's Creed story that focuses on the return of Juno, the god-like Isu who believes humanity's salvation lies in her ruling over them. Read the description for all the infos.
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