SoundCloud It’s Only (feat. We encourage Users to frequently check this pop-up for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt!
Erschienen am 19.02.16 bei Counter Records; Künstler: ODESZA; Genre: Electronic; Verfügbar in. Zyra Übersetzung und Songtext, Lyrics, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos.
'It's Only' is a song released in September 2014 by the American electronic music band, ODESZA. 1902130881 This is the music code for It’s only by ODESZA and the song id is as mentioned above. 24-Bit 44.1 kHz - Stereo. 25.02.2016. ODESZA has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. Zyra) by ODESZA from desktop or your mobile device. I heard the news today That you're not mine to keep Don't struggle too much now While I kill you in your sleep What is lust if it's not being by yourself? It’s Only - ODESZA feat. This song is a masterpiece- a beautiful rendition sharing historic events that happened when there was an absence of love. It's Only Odesza. Lyrics to 'It’s Only' by ODESZA. I heard the news today; That you're not mine to keep. Cet élément a bien été ajouté / retiré de vos favoris. ODESZA - It’s Only Remixes × Mes favoris. Hören Sie dieses Album mit unseren Apps in hoher Audio-Qualität.
It is written by Zyra, Harrison Mills & Clayton Knight. It’s Only Remixes ODESZA. The video illustrates the recurrence of pain, cruelty, and betrayal right from the inception of humankind. I heard the news today; That you're not mine to keep. Odesza - It's Only: Infos über das Musikvideo, Song und Interpret(en) Infos zum offiziellen Musik Video des Hits von erfolgen ggf. Don't struggle too much now While I kill you in your sleep. Musik-Streaming. Em Em I heard the news today C G That you're not mine to keep Em Don't struggle too much now C G While I kill you in your sleep Em C G What is lust if it's not being by yourself Em C G I wo Please give it a thumbs up if it worked for you and a thumbs down if its not working so that we can see if they have taken it down due to copyright issues.
Stream It’s Only (feat. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this pop-up.
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