Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is one of the best co-op games — if not the best — that has been released in recent times. Whether it be a hot air balloon, a magical Wizard’s school or even another planet, you’ll have to be bready for anything.
Overcooked 2 is a chaotic co-op cooking game for 1-4 players in which you must serve a variety of recipes including sushi, pasta, cakes, burgers and burritos to hungry customers in a series of unconventional kitchens. Hold onto your aprons … it’s time to save the world (again!) Overcooked! was a surprisingly great co-op cooking game, allowing 2-4 local players to team up and bake lots of dishes in a desperate attempt to save the world. O segundo jogo da série Overcooked é definitivamente um dos melhores jogos co-op para PC. 2 - Carnival of Chaos $9.99 Overcooked! 2. Bundle info-10%. Conheça diversos mapas, desbloqueie diversos tipos de personagens diferentes e sinta na pele a correria de uma cozinha agitada. Hold onto your aprons … it's time to save the world (again! Nele, você e seu amigo poderão jogar juntos para preparar diversos tipos de pratos solicitados por clientes em sua cozinha móvel. 2 - Night of the Hangry Horde $5.99 Overcooked! De la poêle au feu de bois... Vous avez sauvé le monde de l'Insatiable. Overcooked returns with a brand-new helping of chaotic cooking action! Working as a team, you and your fellow chefs must prepare, cook and serve up a variety of tasty orders before the baying customers storm out in a huff. La version dématérialisée sur PC est actuellement en promo sur Steam à 13,79€. Overcooked! Overcooked is a chaotic couch co-op cooking game for one to four players. $37.78. And the best part is that you can play this game with 2 to 4 players in a local co-op mode. It’s a game filled with adventure, imaginative battle and frantic action in space. Content For This Game Browse all . 2 Console: Nintendo Switch Date de publication: 07/08/2018. What is Overcooked 2 about? 2. Add to Cart. 2 sur PC à 13,79€ (Dématérialisé) @ Steam Super promo sur Steam pour l’un des meilleurs jeux couch coop (co-op en local) jusqu’à 4 joueurs qui existe sur consoles et PC. The original Overcooked! )Out of the frying pan, into the fire…You've saved the world from the Ever Peckish. Désormais, une nouvelle menace a fait surface et il est temps de retourner en cuisine pour repousser l'attaque des zomb'mies ! Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and assemble your team of chefs in classic couch co-op or online play for up to four players. $5.99 Overcooked! Multiplayer Online Co-Op Local Co-Op Casual Co-op Indie Funny Action 4 Player Local Family Friendly Local Multiplayer Controller ... Includes 2 items: Overcooked, Overcooked! Overcooked returns with a brand-new helping of chaotic cooking action!Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and assemble your team of chefs in classic couch co-op or online play for up to four players. Overcooked 2.
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