Share. In effetti, nonostante la numerazione sequenziale che identifica il … We also have a FAQ/Move List which you will find useful to have as a reference. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2. Spedizione gratuita, usato garantito, massima sicurezza i migliori videogiochi nuovi e usati al prezzo più basso. Discover every unique story in this fighting game! Action » Dragon Ball Z. Download: Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors 2 (Europe) - NDS ISO, Torrent, NDS, DS ROMs, Nintendo DS GAMES - Scopri il prezzo! Jugar a Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors online es gratis. Ritiriamo i tuoi giochi, console e accessori. We have 2 Walkthroughs for Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors is a fighting video game based on a popular Japanese anime series Dragon Ball Z and it was released for Game Boy Advance (GBA) in 2004. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors. We have a walkthrough that will help you if you are struggling with the game. For Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 on the DS, GameFAQs has 3 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs). Un nome, una garanzia. For Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 on the DS, GameFAQs has 3 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs). ¡Disfruta ya de este juegazo de Goku! True to the television show, characters are imbued with amazing powers, which they can access at key times, and as much of the brawling occurs in midair as on the ground. Con funzionalità grafiche avanzate che si avvale degli effetti 3d poligono e i due screen del Nintendo DS, Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic warriors 2 sfrutta la potenza del nuovo hardware di grande effetto per creare l' ultima evoluzione della battaglia di volo. Play the role of a Dragon Ball Z persona as you try to win each battle in Dragon Ball Z - Super Sonic Warriors. 3858 votes. Played 527 890 times By ninjasan8 / kirby22003 FAQ / Move List (DS) By Mykas0 Walkthrough (DS) Click here for all walkthroughs Acquista Dragon Ball Z Super Sonic Warriors 2 per DS ora! 9 / 10 - 22581 votes . Released in 2004 on Game Boy Advance, Supersonic Warriors was the first fighting game worthy of the name based on the DBZ franchise on the Nintendo handheld console. One Piece Hot Fight 0.8. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors está en los top más jugados. Similar to it's GBA predecessor, the DS' Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 is a fighting game, featuring a wide selection of heroes and villains from the popular anime series. Once in combat, you can use the touch screen to switch between fighters until you find your most beneficial matchup. Played 4 054 176 times. Platform Web browser (desktop and mobile) Walkthrough. You have a certain number of points that may be used to choose allies for each fight. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 - Walkthrough Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 for Nintendo DS FAQ/Walkthrough By Mykas0 version 1.2 (FINAL) 9-1-2008 BE SURE TO READ THIS FIRST PART! Play as Goku, Vegeta, Trunks or one of the 70 other characters from the Dragon Ball Z series ... One Piece Hot Fight 0.8.
Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 è un videogioco per Nintendo DS, il secondo capitolo del gioco uscito precedentemente per Game Boy Advance. The game features different modes, including "Story" faithfully following the plot of the famous anime and in which you'll have to fight eight opponents of increasing difficulty. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 is a fighting game based on the epic battles in the Dragon Ball Z animated TV show. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2. Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 è tra i peggiori giochi sviluppati per Nintendo DS a tema Dragon Ball, che non riesce a sfruttare al massimo sia le potenzialità della saga di Dragon Ball, sia le funzionalità del Nintendo DS. Play as your favorite Dragon Ball Z characters and show the best attack combos to beat your opponents.
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