Monkey KingBuilds d'aptitudes.
Twitter. But the concept remains the same: harass the enemy heroes (in this case the supports) and build up Jingu Mastery stacks so that you get the bonus lifesteal and damage. Dota 2 Hero Guide – Monkey King Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, is a melee agility hero infamous for his trickery, deceit, and all around mischievous nature. Find constantly updated Monkey King guides from the top performances of the week. 25. Find top Monkey King build guides by DotA 2 players. View statistics, top players and guides for Monkey King on Dotabuff Each guide includes item builds, ability builds, timings and more.
by Dani . Dota 2 Monkey King Guide: Get Good with Sun Wukong. Wukong is all about confusing his enemies and would-be pursuers, by leaping on top of trees and escaping in unexpected directions right after. View statistics, top players and guides for Monkey King on Dotabuff ... laning against a trilane. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. In-depth builds, guides and strategy for every DotA 2 hero from the DOTAFire community! It also reveals Monkey King while he is on a tree. Get Plus Get Featured Hero Guides are based on TrueSight data from matches with a verified player or Plus subscriber.
Rayon supplémentaire pour Wukong's Command +2.7% Pourcentage de victoire. Dota 2 Monkey King, Hero Build Guide. Firefly allows Batrider to gain vision of Monkey King while he is on an tree, as well as destroying any nearby trees, denying Monkey King spots to jump to, or causing him to fall. 24th Popularité 47.91% Pourcentage de victoire. You can follow him on Twitter. Get Good: How to play Monkey King.
Contres; Clips NEW! DotA 2 Build Guides.
Builds d'aptitudes; Aptitudes; Tendances; Classement du joueur; Produits de beauté; Talent Usage. 71.9% Taux de pick. ... Dota 2 addict, lover of numbers and Techies picker. View statistics, top players and guides for Monkey King on Dotabuff
However, the introduction was quite controversial as a major portion of the community claimed the then new hero to be unbalanced. ; Sticky Napalm 's turn rate slow makes it significantly more difficult for Monkey King to jump from tree to tree and gain Jingu Mastery stacks. With the release of Sun Wukong aka The Monkey King, the transition of DotA heroes to Dota 2 came to an end. Vue d'ensemble; Guides; Objets; Builds d'aptitudes; More.