This is the first look at the upcoming Beverly Hills, 90210 reboot!
The cast – including Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth and Jason Priestley – spoke of the upcoming reboot, along with providing the first images, to Entertainment Weekly. FOX has announced that the new season of the show will be released on August 7, 2019, in the USA. The cast of "Beverly Hills, 90210" is back with a first look at the upcoming reboot.
This reboot, titled BH90210 to differentiate from the original series and the 2008 sequel series 90210, was about a reboot of Beverly Hills, 90210, and … Kelly, Brenda, Brandon, and the rest of the Beverly Hills, 90210 crew is back, ready to remake the television show that made them iconic.Kind of. The upcoming revival of Beverly Hills, 90210 is titled 90210. ‘Beverly Hills, 90210′ Reboot – Get a First Look! May 9, 2019. BH90210 is a reboot of the 1990s television series Beverly Hills, 90210. Read TVLine's review of Fox's upcoming 'BH90210,' a meta reboot of 'Beverly Hills, 90210.' Fox ordered six episodes of the reboot in February. The Stars of Beverly Hills, 90210 Play Themselves, Sort of, in a Melancholy Meta-Reboot BH90210 is part celebrity sendup, part melancholy reboot. The episodes will feature six members of the main cast of the original series.
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