This Indium has been activated by the extreme conditions in which it was formed, and is highly valuable. Activated Emeril 1:3 (250 Activated Emeril = 750 Chromatic Metal ) Activated Indium 1:4 (250 Activated Indium = 1000 Chromatic Metal) and if you want to repair a ship you'll need lots of Chromatic Metal I've seen like 2 repairable parts that need at least 500 Chromatic …
No Man's Sky for JP. A chromatic metal, generated by fusion in the heart of a star.
Indium is found on planets orbiting blue stars, and can be placed in a Refiner to create purified Chromatic Metal. Their value and refine rates are also different. A chromatic metal, generated by fusion in the heart of a star.
Elements are a type of resource in No Man's Sky. 2020/05/28 12:20 --- Still loving my freighter. In-Game Description [] I use activated to make chromatic metal and non-activated for recipes. Written by Black Goat. (It's like each activated material is like 2 non-activated.) Purple Haze the planet! They use a periodic table made up of real-life elements and minerals, as well as some fictional elements that Hello Games created to keep the sci-fi feel to the game. Guides » No Man's Sky - A Dirt Farmer's Guide to Making Billions (Next ... it in bulk if possible or at least maximize the metal you refine by using higher tier materials such as Cadmium or Activated Indium or making use of the advanced recipes available exclusively to the large refiner for example the ... No Mans Sky. Indium is found on planets orbiting blue stars, and can be placed in a Refiner to create purified Chromatic Metal. Went to planet Memories of Dudenbeaumodeme (Cati) in Starfall gathering salvage tech and larval cores while searching for a decent spot for my Activated indium farm. Still loving my freighter. 活性化インジウム(Activated Indium)はNo Man's Sky に登場する資源のひとつ。 概要 編集. Indium is an Element which can be found in No Man's Sky NEXT. My ACTIVATED INDIUM farm No Man's Sky for JP 2020/06/19 02:47 --- It’s pretty buggy but I love it It’s pretty buggy but I love it // 2020/06/19 02:30 --- Crossplay Patch 2.54 Crossplay Patch 2.54 // 2020/06/19 02:18 --- My dumbass forgot to hide the menu didn’t realize till after I left.
... // 2020/05/23 01:04 --- I built A OverPowered Activated Indium Farm I built A OverPowered Activated Indium Farm // 2020/05/23 00:31 --- Minotaur doin the stanky leg Minotaur doin the stanky leg // 2020/05/23 00:08 --- Purple Haze the planet! 有色金属で、恒星の中心にある溶融部分で発生する。 インジウムは青い恒星を周回する惑星から見つかり、精製機に入れることで、純度の高い有色金属を生み出すことができる。 This page contains information on where to find it, as well as information on what it can be used for. First hotspot I found was an S Class
This Indium has been activated by the extreme conditions in which it was formed, and is highly valuable. Activated, in my experience, can't be used for recipes that call for non-activated materials.