Hommage à Hiroshi Masuoka (voix de Kamé Sennin dans DBGT et les jeu vidéo jusqu’en 2009)
Gokuda003 9 août 2018. Mais il faut aussi considérer qu'il y a des anomalies dans l'œuvre. Dragon Ball Kai (or Dragon Ball Z Kai). Dieses Thema im Forum "Generelles" wurde erstellt von Gelöschtes Mitglied 40992, 29.
... L’épisode spécial de Super Dragon Ball Heroes; 27 février 2020 Un spot publicitaire pour le Dragon Radar de Dragon Ball; Dernières mises à jour. Und vor Dragon Ball Super schaust du dir noch die Filme Battle of the Gods und Resurrection F an. Nováček; Dragon Ball chronologie « kdy: 15. While some events and characters do not appear in the original manga (Garlic Jr., Cooler, Broly, Pikkon, Dragon Ball GT, etc. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z aka Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball GT und Dragon Ball Super. The events of the Future Trunks' alternate timeline and Cell's alternate timeline are included and clearly noted. Während der Dragon-Ball-Anime die Manga-Handlung bis Band 17, Kapitel 194 umsetzt und Geschehnisse in der Kindheit der Hauptfigur Son-Goku schildert, führt Dragon Ball Z die Geschichte mit Son-Goku als Erwachsenem ab Band 17, Kapitel 195 weiter. Every Dragon Ball Series, Theatrical film, TV special, Festival short and OVA in watching order. Gelöschtes Mitglied 40992 Guest. Dragon Ball (You can completely skip this and jump into DBZ just fine for the most part. Vox Restaurant Vox, Berlin: 515 Bewertungen – bei Tripadvisor auf Platz 272 von 7.876 von 7.876 Berlin Restaurants; mit 4/5 von Reisenden. The Dragon Ball Z & GT timeline (DBH: Ultimate Mission official website). Dragon Ball 749.
Bräuchte eine (wenn möglich offizielle) Zeitleiste von Dragonball und Dragonball Z (nicht GT). 64 [Ending] The idea was to have it in chronological order as best as possible, with notes I have made to explain inconsistencies (The worst I understand being the Goku coming back to earth after Frieza but what could I do? Dragon Ball is a Japanese media franchise created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. This page consists of the official timeline of the Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama. Dragonball/Z Chronologie. Le 2 septembre, Bulma et Son Goku font la connaissance de Tortue … Forces de combat. … This article is about the sagas in the Dragon Ball franchise. poor Icarus appears out of nowhere … (considering they were all alternate stories to the series, unlike DBZ, it's just fine.) Also bitte nicht gleich schlagen *g falls diese Frage schon so oft kam. Timeline 4 could one day reveal alternate versions of the "Majin Buu Saga" and Dragon Ball Super saga in which Goku never died, and the Z-Fighters got radical power-ups by training with him. 23.11.2018, 20:51 #4. manga.. For the characters from the alternate "Xeno" timeline it is set at some point after the Dark Empire Saga though strangely it debuted in-game before the Prison Planet Saga concluded. La chronologie de Dragon Ball ne peut être qu'approximative, elle ne peut pas s'écrire au jour le jour. This page consists of the official timeline of the Dragon Ball meta-series based on the Dragon Ball manga by Akira Toriyama. Autor Téma: Dragon Ball chronologie (Přečteno 4042 krát) 0 uživatelů a 1 Host prohlíží toto téma.
Chronologie de Dragon Ball L’univers de fiction dans lequel se passe Dragon Ball et ses films et séries dérivés a sa propre chronologie. Shadow Dragon Saga Ep. The Dark King Mechikabura is the fourth original saga in Dragon Ball Heroes.It was later adapted into the second part of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! Dragon Ball Z (or Kai, your choice) through the conclusion of the Frieza Saga ; Bardock: Father of Goku Movie ; Dragon Ball Z through the Cell Saga (please sort by List Order). Ryzen 2700X @AiO von beQuiet - 1080 HoF - 16GB 3200 Corsair - Asus Essence STX 2 @ DT 880 Pro 600 Ohm mit ModKit - beQuiet 701 mit Silent Wings 3 - beQuiet NT 500W modular . Chronologie. Since 1986, there have been 23 theatrical films based on the franchise, including twenty anime films produced by Toei Animation, two unofficial films, and one official live-action film.. Ce dernier a en sa possession la Dragon Ball à quatre étoiles. After finishing Dragon Ball, I watched Dragon Ball Movies. Well, when you watch them you can guess what sagas between a movie is, actually. Age 788.