Sign in to your Uber account through the driver login or rider login here. Get help with your Uber account, a recent trip, or browse through frequently asked questions. 2. First try this: 1. Tap "Where to?"
You can use your app to request a ride for someone else.
I would like to know my rating ; My personal invite code ; I'm not receiving receipts or emails ; Adding Saved Places on iOS; How to update email, SMS, or push notification settings; Using Family Profiles; Delete my Uber account; I need help deleting my Uber account ; Editing a personal or business ride profile; Change rider profile picture ... Visit Follow My Ride A feature to let loved ones know where you are You can share your trip status and location on the map with friends and family, all right from the … La sécurité et le bien-être de chaque utilisateur de la plateforme Uber sont pour nous une priorité, et nos conseillers s'efforcent de venir en aide à tous ceux qui en ont besoin. Get a cost estimate now. Tap 'Download invoice' to receive a PDF You can also use the Uber app to review your trip history anytime. The ride-hailing firm will also require riders to sit in the back seat and wear a mask. Consent to receive marketing messages is not a condition to use Uber’s services. The health and safety of the Uber community is always our priority. We are actively monitoring the coronavirus (COVID‐19) situation and are taking steps to help keep those that rely on our platform safe. and enter your friend's pickup location 2. Use the Uber price estimator to find out how much a ride with Uber is estimated to cost before you request it.
Select "Someone else" (NOTE: if you do not see this option, go to the section called "ALTERNATIVELY") 3. Uber is adopting several safety measures starting May 18 to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among drivers and riders.
Enter your friend's contact details: Either select their contact information from the contact picker or type in their mobile number 4. En raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, les délais de réponse de nos équipes d'assistance peuvent être plus longs. Drivers and riders will have to confirm they are wearing a … Select 'My Trips' from the menu 3. Découvrez comment utiliser la plateforme et les applications Uber pour augmenter vos revenus, commander des repas et des courses, effectuer vos trajets domicile-travail, simplifier vos déplacements professionnels et bien plus encore. You understand that you may opt out by texting “STOP” to 89203. You also consent to receive calls or SMS messages, including by automated dialer, from Uber and its affiliates to the number you provide for informational and/or marketing purposes. Tap the 'View Detail' button 5. Riders; I need to download an invoice for my trip. Uber is launching a new tool that checks if drivers are wearing face masks before starting trips. Select the trip you'd like to review 4.
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