It gives judges the opportunity to send a contestant through to the live semi-finals. […] (ITV) While the TV landscape has been hugely disrupted by the coronavirus, Britain's Got Talent has been able to air its pre-recorded auditions for this year as usual. Each judge may press it once during each season. Nabil Abdulrashid on Britain's Got Talent. The Golden Buzzer was introduced during the show’s 9th Season. The Golden Buzzer was introduced in Series 8 of Britain's Got Talent and has been present in every series since. All five Britain's Got Talent Golden Buzzer acts have been chosen. Darci Lynne Farmer was the most recent contestant to receive Golden Buzzer treatment. While the TV landscape has been hugely disrupted by the coronavirus,Britain's Got Talent has been able to air its pre-recorded auditions for this year as usual. The Judges, and hosts Ant& Dec, each have one opportunity per series to press it for any act they decide. This article explains what the Golden Buzzer means on America’s Got Talent! The Golden Buzzer is a buzzer on the Judges' Panel which, when pressed, automatically grants an act a place in the Semi-Finals. Picture: ITV Alesha Dixon pressed the golden buzzer for Nabil Abdulrashid on Saturday, May 9 after his hilarious stand-up routine.
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