July 18, 2018 July 18, 2018 Emmanuel "E-Man" Noisette Leave a comment. Denzel Washington returns to one of his signature roles in the first sequel of his career. The Equalizer 2 is going to go down in the history books as this film is Denzel Washington’s very first sequel in his career. As a result, “The Equalizer 2” is now expected to challenge its predecessor’s gross of $192.3 million, and if it does just that then there’s a good chance a third film will follow. The plot of The Equalizer 2 is just as uncomplicated and clearcut as you would expect. Equalizer 1 je fajn akční oddechovka, která fajn odsýpá, má zručně vypracované postavy a především v ní Denzel Washington a Marton Czokas hrají jako bohové a navzájem si hrajou na kočku a myš. Every Object Denzel Washington Uses To Hurt People With In "The Equalizer" The Oscar winner stars in a heartwarming ode to DIY home improvement and outrageous violence that's now in theaters. Brant Rock has been transformed into a Hollywood movie set over the past couple weeks, complete with star sightings, special effects and elaborate sets. 2 for $20 DVD Equalizer 2, The Model: DE7214 SKU: 315124. One of Antonie Fuqua's decisions made for a moody set. Equalizer 2 est un film réalisé par Antoine Fuqua avec Denzel Washington, Pedro Pascal. Equalizer 2 ou Le Justicier 2 [1] au Québec (The Equalizer 2) est un film d'action américain réalisé par Antoine Fuqua, sorti en 2018.Il s'agit de la suite d’Equalizer du même réalisateur, sorti en 2014. The Brant Rock Hop has had its exterior covered with a movie theater … “The Equalizer 2,” starring Denzel Washington, has taken over the neighborhood, with a number of local businesses getting temporary makeovers for the production. Now long established after the events of the first Equalizer movie, people know if they have a problem and have nowhere else to turn, they can call on the enigmatic Robert McCall to deliver justice.
PLU: 9317731145353. Il s'agit d'une adaptation de la série télévisée américaine Equalizer, diffusée sur CBS de 1985 à 1989 But also a VERY difficult shoot. Review: Equalizer 2 Had Denzel Tap Into His Inner Training Day. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for The Equalizer 2, in theaters now.. Denzel Washington is back as Robert McCall in The Equalizer 2, which is even more violent and stylized thrill ride than the 2014 original. Read more . Czokas se po konci jedničky přitom samosebou nevrací a celkově je Equalizer 2 stand-alone a do jisté míry jedničku ignoruje jako by se nikdy nestala. Robert McCall serves an unflinching justice for the exploited and oppressed - but how far will he go when that is someone he loves?
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