Singapore Green Label Scheme (SGLS) The Singapore Green Labeling Scheme (SGLS) aims to help the public identify environment-friendly products that meet certain eco-standards specified by the scheme and seeks to encourage the level of eco-consumerism in Singapore as well as to identify the growing demand for greener products in the market. ECO Label, which is the brand of ecological and natural products, you can access to the list of organizations and products that have been certified by this page, you can apply.
Definition of eco-label in the dictionary. Recent OECD work has focused on the multiplication of schemes, through a joint project of the Joint Working Party on Trade and Environment (JWPTE) and the Working Party on Integrating Environmental and Economic Policies (WPIEEP). Meaning of eco-label.
Ecolabels are voluntary, but green stickers are mandated by law; for example, in North America major appliances and automobiles use Energy Star.They are a form of sustainability measurement directed at consumers, intended to make it easy to take environmental concerns into account when shopping. Ecolabels synonyms, Ecolabels pronunciation, Ecolabels translation, English dictionary definition of Ecolabels.
The Learn more. n a label marking products which are produced in a way that limits damage to the environment. Un éco-label est un label écologique attribué par un organisme indépendant à un produit susceptible de réduire certains impacts négatifs sur l'environnement par comparaison avec d'autres produits de la même catégorie,. And for governments, crucially these tools encourage the behavioural change of producers and … Define eco-label. eco-label: Mark awarded by the European Community (EU) to producers who voluntarily employ verifiable measures that significantly reduce the harmful effects of their processes and products. Eco-label definition: a label marking products which are produced in a way that limits damage to the... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples For businesses, eco-labels are a means of measuring performance and also communicating and marketing the environmental credentials of a given product.
The Guidelines, developed through a stakeholder consensus process, provide a transparent, fair, and consistent approach to assessing private sector standards and ecolabels for recommendations to federal purchasers. eco-label in British English. Eco-labels - Ecolabel Label écologique. Information and translations of eco-label in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. environmental labelling and information schemes (ELIS) and international trade, notably from the late 1990s. (ˈiːkəʊleɪbəl) noun. eco-label définition, signification, ce qu'est eco-label: 1. an official symbol that shows that a product has been designed to do less harm to the…. For each product the decision to award an eco-label will be based on a full analysis, looking at the impact on the environment at every stage. a label marking products which are produced in a way that limits damage to the environment. What does eco-label mean?
eco-label definition: 1. an official symbol that shows that a product has been designed to do less harm to the…. ... eco-label (redirected from Ecolabels) Also found in: Financial.
The criteria utilise extensive research based on the product's life cycle impact on the environment. Collins English Dictionary.
Eco-labels and Green Stickers are labeling systems for food and consumer products. Ecolabels - definition of Ecolabels by The Free Dictionary.
eco-label synonyms, eco-label pronunciation, eco-label translation, English dictionary definition of eco-label. What this means is that as consumers, eco-labels guide our purchasing decisions by providing information about the ‘world’ behind the product. Eco-Labelling A. Eco-labels are affixed to products that pass eco-friendly criteria laid down by government, association or standards certification bodies. En savoir plus. Definition.
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