Jean II 'de Bretagne' de Dreux was born on January 4, 1239, son of Jean I 'le Roux' de Dreux and Blanche de Blois Champagne. Wij zullen Jan Vullings blijven herinneren als een hard werkend bestuurslid en een man die ook waardering vond als commissaris van de toenmalige ENV. Jean II, 6 e duc de Bourbon, (born 1427—died 1488), duke of Bourbon (from 1456) whose military successes, as at Formigny (1450) and Châtillon (1453), contributed greatly to the conquest of Normandy and Guyenne and the rout of the English.From Louis XI of France he received the governance of Orléanais, Berry, Limousin, Périgord, and Languedoc (1466) and became an ardent supporter of the crown. Jean II DE BRETAGNE, Duc de Bretagne. People Projects Discussions Surnames 2 He married Margaret of England , daughter of Edward I 'Longshanks' , King of England and Eleanor de Castilla , Comtesse de Ponthieu , on 8 July 1290 at Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London, England G . Paris, Société d'édition "Les Belles lettres," 1944 (OCoLC)612977440: Named Person: Jean Bourbon, duc d'; Jean Bourbon, duc de) Document Type: Book: All Authors / Contributors: Henry de Surirey de Saint Remy De club is hem dankbaar voor zijn niet aflatende ijver om de club naar een hoger niveau te tillen. John was the son of Philip II, Count of Nevers by his wife, Bonne of Artois, daughter of Philip of Artois, Count of Eu.John's elder brother, Charles I, Count of Nevers and Rethel, had no legitimate children, and so on his death in 1464 his titles passed to John.In 1472, his uncle Charles of Artois, Count of Eu, died, and having no legitimate children, his title also passed to John. This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Certificat de Charles V à son Frère Jean, duc de Berry- AE-II-393.jpg 2,000 × 1,349; 206 KB Jan Jitka.jpg 320 × 646; 58 KB John, Duke of Berry.png 260 × 254; 130 KB Click the button below to add the MED010 Jean II - Duc de l'Alencon by First Legion to your wish list. Life. Aan het begin van de apostolische Brief H. Paus Johannes Paulus II - Apostolische Brief Novo millennio ineunte Een nieuw millennium (6 januari 2001) verwijs ik naar de woorden waarmee Jezus de eerste leerlingen aanspoort om hun netten uit te werpen … Jean II 'de Bretagne' de Dreux was born on January 4, 1239, son of Jean I 'le Roux' de Dreux and Blanche de Blois Champagne. This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Jean II de Dreux is geboren op 4 januari 1239 in Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France, zoon van Jean "le Roux" de Dreux en Blanche de Champagne. He died on November 18, 1305 in Avignon 84000, Vaucluse, FRANCE. Zijn verbondenheid met Willem II bleek ook door zijn lidmaatschap van de Oude Glorie. Click the button below to add the MED010 Jean II - Duc de l'Alencon by First Legion to your wish list. Born: 4 Jan 1239/40, Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France; Married: 25 Dec 1260, Westminster Abbey, London, England Deze informatie is onderdeel van van op Genealogie Online. Genealogy for Jean II d'Anjou, duc de Lorraine et de Calabre (1424 - 1470) family tree on Geni, with over 190 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. He was married on January 22, 1260 in Saint-Denis, 93200, FRANCE to Beatrice Plantagenêt, they had 5 children. Hij is getrouwd op 13 januari 1260 met Beatrice of England, ze kregen 1 kind. Jean II de Brabant, Duc de Brabant was born on 27 September 1275. He died on November 18, 1305 in Avignon 84000, Vaucluse, FRANCE. MARY-JEAN II is a 62m luxury motor super yacht available for charter built in 2010. Hij is overleden op 18 november 1305. He was married on January 22, 1260 in Saint-Denis, 93200, FRANCE to Beatrice Plantagenêt, they had 5 children. Jean II de Bourbon, duc de Bourbonnais et d'Auvergne, 1426-1488. He was the son of Jean I de Brabant , Duc de Brabant and Marguerite de Dampierre-Namur . "Duc in altum!" Charter up to 12 guests in 7 cabins (1 Master, 1 VIP, 5 Double, 2 Twin & 2 Convertable) with a crew of 16.
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