3,739 guests. Update your browser to view this website correctly. Foo Fighters en concert aux Arènes de Nîmes ! Foo Fighters postpone tour dates, including Knoxville, over coronavirus. Dropkick Murphys • Les Négresses Vertes • 15 Juillet 2020. Here's the new show date. Foo Fighters will postpone their 2020 Van Tour, which includes a concert at Talking Stick Resort Arena in downtown Phoenix. Tue, Jun 16 UTC+02 at Arene De Nîmes. Lynyrd Skynyrd • Festival de Nîmes • 29 Juin 2020. Ces derniers sont programmés les Lundi 14 Juin 2021 et Mardi 15 Juin 2021 dans le cadre de la nouvelle édition du FDN 2021. As Sir Elton rocks through his three-year, 300-date Farewel… Les billets du 16 Juin 2020 seront valables pour le concert … The band's frontman, Dave Grohl, has been known to power through shows despite personal injury, as he did in 2015 at a gig in Gothenburg, Sweden when he broke his leg after falling off the stage and still finished the show. The band has postponed its 25th anniversary tour in the wake of the coronavirus shutdown Foo Fighters are the latest group to cancel or postpone a tour because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, however they made the announcement uniquely there own with a cheerful tone. 2,283 guests.
The Dave Grohl-led "Foo Fighters" have been a virtual "hit machine" since their debut in the 1990's.
Foo Fighters - Nimes, France. The Foo Fighters are the latest touring act to postpone their upcoming concert dates in response to concerns about coronavirus.
Elton John and Foo Fighters are among the latest superstar acts to postpone tour dates as the world struggles to contain the coronavirus. As Sir Elton rocks through his three-year, 300-date Farewel… Foo Fighters is currently touring across 6 countries and has 18 upcoming concerts.. Their next tour date is at FedExField in Landover, after that they'll be at Osheaga Music and Arts Festival in Montreal. Foo Fighters shuffle Little Caesars Arena concert to October. Wed, Jul 15 UTC+02 at Arènes de … The group currently consists of Pat Smear, Nate Mendel, Taylor Hawkins, Chris Shiflett and Rami Jaffee. See all your opportunities to see them live below!
Mon Jun 14, 2021 PDT at Arena de Nimes, Nimes France. The alternative rock band, formed on the heels of Nirvana's dissolution, has been a staple on the festival scene, performing thousands of concert tour dates, since their inception. 284 guests. Mon, Jun 29 UTC+02 at Arènes de Nîmes. ... Merch store; Roswell Films; Tour Dates; Tell us your story; Buy/Stream Sign up to the newsletter With concerts still on hold across the country amid the coronavirus pandemic, Grohl, of the Foo Fighters (and Nirvana), penned an essay about looking forward to the return of live music. Elton John and Foo Fighters are among the latest superstar acts to postpone tour dates as the world struggles to contain the coronavirus. All tour dates between March 26 and May 2 are moving to 2021 – the tour officially begins on May 22. Ainsi, les concerts des FOO FIGHTERS prévus les 16 et 17 Juin 2020 aux Arènes de Nîmes ne pourront pas avoir lieu.
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