La serie ha ottenuto 42 premi, tra cui 10 Emmy, 2 Golden Globe e 1 Grammy, oltre a 46 candidature. Chernobyl é uma minissérie de televisão de drama criada por Craig Mazin.
Chernobyl - Series Premiere Discussion. 06, 2019. Im deutschsprachigen Raum war sie vom 14. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Metacritic Game Reviews, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Chernobyl is a 2019 historical drama television miniseries produced by HBO and Sky UK.
Il quotidiano britannico Guardian l'ha inoltre classificata al terzo posto tra le migliori serie del 2019.
Chernobyl ha ricevuto anche il plauso generale della critica.
Whether it’s the hit Fallout video game franchise or horror films like The Return of the Living Dead and Robert Rodriguez’s Grindhouse installment, Planet Terror, the trope of a chemical disaster and the monsters it births into the world is a subgenre that has kept audiences entertained for decades. Created and written by Craig Mazin and directed by Johan Renck , the series revolves around the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 1986 and the cleanup efforts that followed. Chernobyl. Titre Original Chernobyl.
[1] Dividida em cinco episódios, a minissérie estreou em 6 de maio de 2019, nos Estados Unidos, sendo muito bem recebida pela crítica e pelo público. Durée Moyenne 60 minutes .
We were huge fans of Chernobyl, HBO’s five-part miniseries about the 1986 nuclear reactor explosion.
Partagé29 Facebook Twitter. Serien skildrer atomkraftulykken i Tsjernobyl, Sovjetunionen som inntraff i april 1986, og opprydnings- og sikrings arbeidet samt ulykkens konsekvenser. In April 1986, a huge explosion erupted at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in northern Ukraine.
Première date de diffusion May. Chernobylite is a science-fiction survival horror experience, mixing the free exploration of its disturbing world with challenging combat, unique crafting, and non-linear storytelling.
Nom * Ajouter un nom d'affichage. 06, 2019. Mai bis zum 3. Try to survive and reveal the twisted secrets of Chernobyl in the 3D-scanned recreation of the real Exclusion Zone. La miniserie è stata generalmente molto ben accolta anche in Russia. The aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster shed light on everything that was so horribly wrong with the totalitarian Soviet system: lies, lies, lies, and more lies; complete disregard for human life; widespread lack of professionalism and initiative; fear of responsibility; fear of being reported by your "fellow comrade" and punished. TMDb Notation 8.5 2 votes. We weren’t alone, either; the series now has the—frankly, dubious—honor of being the highest-rated show on IMDb, having presumably bumped off The Shawshank Redemption. Dernière date de diffusion May. Les épisodes 5. Chernobyl ou Tchernobyl au Québec et au Nouveau-Brunswick est une mini-série télévisée dramatique historique britannico-américaine en cinq épisodes créée et écrite par Craig Mazin, réalisée par Johan Renck et diffusée du 6 mai au 3 juin 2019 sur HBO et Sky. Chernobyl is streaming on HBO and Sky Go and NOW TV. Serien var en samproduksjon mellom det amerikanske fjernsynsselskapet HBO og den britiske kringkasteren Sky, … Saisons 1. Chernobyl ist eine US-amerikanisch-britische Miniserie des Senders HBO, die vom 6.
Mittlerweile ist sie auch bei Maxdome und Prime Video oder als DVD oder Blu-ray verfügbar. The concept of a nuclear disaster (and the inevitable fallout) is nothing new in pop culture. E-mail * Votre adresse de messagerie ne sera pas publiée. Chernobyl er en britisk-amerikansk miniserie fra 2019 i fem episoder, skapt og skrevet av Craig Mazin og regissert av Johan Renck. A obra dramatiza os eventos em torno do acidente nuclear de 1986 na usina de Chernobil. Mai bis zum 11. Juni 2019 ausgestrahlt wurde. An early-morning explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant sends workers scrambling to assess the damage. This series follows the stories of the men and women, who tried to contain the disaster, as well as those who gave their lives preventing a subsequent and worse one. : Shadow of Chernobyl for PC, The player will become a stalker, a guy who earns money from shoveling embers out of infernal oven of Chernobyl Zone. Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. When reports reach the control room that the reactor's core is "gone," deputy chief engineer Anatoly Dyatlov, insisting that's impossible, sends men to the core itself to investigate. The miniseries starring Jarred Harris, Emily Watson and Stellan Skarsgård has been highly praised by … It has its critics, though. Juni 2019 beim Sender Sky Atlantic HD im Fernsehen zu sehen und zudem über Sky Ticket abrufbar. Titres similaires. Laisser un commentaire Annuler la réponse. Premiere .
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