Bdo fertilizer Õåðñîíñêàÿ îáëàñòü ã. Õåðñîí óë. 3 - Inorganic Fertilizer.
Black Desert Processing XP Calculator. You can also find higher quality fences from different NPCs at selected farms and cities. Calculate how much crafts and processing XP you'll need to increase your processing level. 2 - Leavening Agent – Crafting Result - Byproduct Fertilizer: NOTE: In the Black Desert the craft is heavily affected by your skill level.
Dulfy 5 Comments May 22, ... (Make Inorganic Fertilizer by drying Crops and then make Byproduct Fertilizer by shaking Leavening Agent with Inorganic Fertilizer. ID: 1195: Byproduct Fertilizer: Recipe Processing/Shaking Skill level: Beginner 0 – Crafting Materials. BDO 15:44:50. Here is a guide on how Farming works in Black Desert Online: 1. BDO SA Community. Black Desert Mediah Contribution Dailies Guide. Higher processing levels are extremely helpful since you'll save energy and it yields more items per craft. Werde … Placement of Farm: First you will need a fence to put down. BDO 07:13:34. ... BDO Guide verfassen. How to put items/silver in the Storage Once you have found the storage NPC, go up to them and press “R” to talk to them, then click “Storage”. BDO Cooking Ingredients and Recipes Interactive List Drieghan update for Black Desert Online. Incendar Master Alchemy Ingredients and Recipes Database spreadsheet Black Desert Online BDO. BDO SEA Community. You can view all your storage in each town by clicking the different town names on the left side of the window, but you can only deposit and withdraw items/silver if you are at the correct storage keeper NPC for the town. ... BDO / Black Desert July 11 Game Update Patch Notes. Óøàêîâà, 23 +38 (067) 386 91 78 ðåæèì ðàáîòû Ïí-Ñá 8:00-19:00, Âñ 10:00-19:00 You can get a free one from a quest giver outside of Heidl.