Hiroshi Sugimoto: Seascapes Since 1980, Hiroshi Sugimoto has traveled around the world—from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea—to photograph the tranquil horizon line where the sea meets the sky. In 1972 he obtained a B.F.A. See available photographs, prints and multiples, and sculpture for sale and learn about the artist. in sociology and politics from St. Paul’s University in Tokyo in 1970. This exhibition brings together three series by the artist—habitat dioramas, wax portraits, and early photographic negatives—that present objects of historical and cultural significance from various museum collections. Diorama When I first arrived in New York in 1974, I visited many of the city's tourist sites, one of which was the the American Museum of Natural History. Hiroshi Sugimoto, Earliest Human Relatives, 1994.Courtesy of Mai 36 Galerie. Surrounded by the museum's elaborate, naturalistic dioramas, Sugimoto realized that the scenes jumped to life when looked at with one eye closed. Hiroshi Sugimoto here turns to the wax figures he first explored in his Dioramas series. Hiroshi Sugimoto, Earliest Human Relatives, 1994.Courtesy of Mai 36 Galerie. Polar Bear is amongst the earliest images in Sugimoto's Dioramas series (1976 - 2012), most of which were taken at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. View Hiroshi Sugimoto’s 2,786 artworks on artnet. Since the mid-1970s, Hiroshi Sugimoto has used photography to investigate how visual representation interprets and distills history. Photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto has visited the Museum four times in the past four decades to shoot his "Dioramas" series, which focuses on habitat displays to explore the distinction between the real and the fictive. All works / Photography. Hiroshi Sugimoto is a contemporary Japanese photographer whose esoteric practice explores memory and time. When Sugimoto first arrived in New York in 1974, he was fascinated by the dioramas at the American Museum of Natural History. Combining poetic imagination and noble elegance, this body of work presents life-size black-and-white portraits of historical figures--Henry VIII, each of his six wives and Oscar Wilde, among others--photographed in wax museums and dramatically lit so as to create haunting images. Hiroshi Sugimoto (杉本博司, Sugimoto Hiroshi), né le 23 février 1948 à Tokyo, est un architecte et photographe japonais.Il partage actuellement son temps entre Tokyo et New York.. Hiroshi Sugimoto: Dioramas Surrounded by the museum's elaborate, naturalistic dioramas, Sugimoto realized that the scenes jumped to life when looked at with one eye closed.
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