Harold married Elgira De Guines (born Wessex) in 846, at age 32 at marriage place . Né entre 1023 et 1028; Décédé le 14 octobre 1066 (dimanche) - à la bataille d'Hastings Parents. He was married to Ealdgyth de Mercie, they gave birth to 1 child. Edward, Earl of Wessex. Dieser wurde 1066 als Harald … Em 1792 alguns revolucionários usaram-na como cobertura de mercadorias transportadas em veículos de tracção animal até poder ser recuperada por advogado local. Prima sa soție a fost prințesa daneză Thyra Sveinsdóttir, fiica lui Sweyn I, rege al Danemarcei, rege al Norvegiei și rege al Angliei. Caricatures : Guillaume Néel. Harold of Wessex; Death of Edward the Confessor ; King Harold ; Battle of Stamford Bridge; Battle of Hastings; Primary Sources; Student Activities; References; Harold Godwinson, the son of Godwin and his wife, Gytha, was probably born in 1022. Harold II Godwinson (Wessex, ca. In this way William was able to chip away at Harold's shield wall throughout the day until he had thinned out Harold's troops and could break through to victory. Die erste Verleihung erfolgte in den 1020er Jahren durch Knut den Großen an Godwin von Wessex. Harold was the son of Godwin, Earl of Wessex, and Gytha, a … Ascendență.
Harold de Wessex (1022-1066) Extrait Patrimoine Normand N°98. Harold Parcus, 814 - 931 Harold Parcus 814 931 Harold Parcus was born in 814, at birth place . Aparece no inventário da Catedral do ano de 1476. King Harold II of Wessex Abt 1022 - 1066 (~ 44 years) Has more than 100 ancestors and more than 100 descendants in this family tree. Tatăl lui Harold a fost Godwin, puternicul Conte de Wessex despre care se crede că era fiul lui Wulfnoth Cild, Thegn de west Sussex.. Godwin a fost căsătorit de două ori cu câte o aristocrată daneză. Godwin was the father of King Harold Godwinson and Edith of Wessex, wife of King Edward the Confessor.
Texte : Stéphane William Gondoin Bon, les esprits chagrins nous objecteront immédiatement que ce personnage-là n'est en rien normand et qu'il n'a donc pas grand-chose à faire dans notre rubrique Illustres normands. Harold II de Wessex was born in the year 1020, son of Godwin de Wessex and Gytha Sprakalaeg. Godwin von Wessex war einer der mächtigsten Männer in England während der Herrschaft von Knut dem Großen, ernannte ihn zum Earl of Wessex, und seine Nachfolger Eduard der Bekenner.
He died in the year 1066. Harold Godwinson ou Harold II est le dernier roi anglo-saxon d'Angleterre du 6 janvier au 14 octobre 1066, date de sa mort à la bataille d'Hastings.. Fils du puissant comte Godwin de Wessex, Harold est nommé comte d'Est-Anglie en 1044, alors qu'il est âgé d'une vingtaine d'années. Harold Godwinson or King Harold II of England (c. 1022 – 14 October 1066) was an English king.He ruled England after king Edward the Confessor died. 1022 – Hastings, 14 de octubre de 1066) fue el último rey de la Inglaterra anglosajona desde el 6 de enero hasta el 14 de octubre de 1066. Casa de Wessex (cunoscută de asemenea sub numele de Casa Cerdic) este familia care a condus inițial regatul din sud-vestul Angliei, cunoscut sub numele de Wessex, din secolul al VI-lea, sub domnia lui Cerdic de Wessex, până la unificarea regatelor din Anglia.. Membrii familiei au devenit coducători în toată Anglia de la Alfred cel Mare, în 871, până la Edmund Braț-de-Fier. Sosa :1 640 504 890 (Harold Godwinsson) earl de Wessex, roi d'Angleterre(Harold II,1066-1066). Nach dessen Tod ging der Titel auf seinen Sohn Harald über. 1023 – Battle (bij Hastings (Engeland)), 14 oktober 1066) was de laatste Angelsaksische koning van Engeland (6 januari 1066 – 14 oktober 1066).Harold was aanvoerder van het Engelse leger in de slag bij Hastings die hij verloor en waar hij ook sneuvelde. Godwin of Wessex, also known as Godwine, Goodwin, Godwyn or Goodwyn (c. 1001–April 15, 1053) was one of the most powerful lords in England under the Danish king Canute the Great and his successors.
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