Le Bouveret, Valais, Suisse Discover the “home made” events of the Swiss steam Parc throughout the year! Verlieren Sie also keine Zeit ! This picture of the lake was taken in the beautiful town of Le Bouveret (Port Valais) which is a few minutes away from the French/Swiss border. Angebot Ansehen . MY VISIT. Sommer 2020. The latest Tweets from sharky aquaparc (@aquaparc_sharky).
Whether by bus or by bike, on foot or on skates, discover Lausanne, Olympic Capital: museum visits, a stroll in the parks and gardens or along the floral quays, excursions on the lake or in the vineyards, sporting and cultural activities, a relaxing spa break, shopping and nights out. OUR EVENTS.
Situated at the southernmost end of Lake Geneva and close to the French border, Le Bouveret is very much tourism-oriented with several amusement attractions, including the Swiss Vapeur Parc and the water amusement park Aquaparc. EVENTS. The Swiss Vapeur Parc, A universe! Aquaparc : Parc d'attraction aquatique en Suisse - Valais Tous à l'eau ! Le Bouveret is a village in the commune of Port-Valais in the Swiss canton of Valais. Unsere Angebote. Title: Brochure Aquaparc - Le Bouveret / Suisse, Author: greg salmon, Name: Brochure Aquaparc - Le Bouveret / Suisse, Length: 20 pages, Page: 19, Published: 2013-05-30 Issuu company logo Issuu Aquapass 2020 Ab CHF 99.- Jetzt die Saisonkarte holen und unbegrenzt von Ihrem Lieblingswasserpark profitieren ! Embark on one of our many train replicas at scale 1/4 and let yourself carry over the landscape over 2 km of circuit! Le plus beau parc aquatique indoor et outdoor de Suisse.
A link to our channel is in our bio. Discover the beauty of the area and great attractions including AquaParc in our latest video! So let’s get exploring Lausanne and make sure we don’t miss anything!
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