All Border Collie found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Left, this gorgeous red merle Border Collie is appropriately called Fire. Le border collie bleu merle n’a pas une personnalité différente des autres types de border collie. Other dogs that get this color pattern as well are Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, Great Danes, Cardigan … He belongs to Dawn Sandberg from Rockford, Illinois. Farmers bred their … Attention : Si les border collies ne sont pas correctement socialisés, ils peuvent être … This handsome boy with ice-blue eyes and mismatched ears, is Matisse (Detania Shmily Matisse) who was shown at just over 6 months old. The blue merle combination is particularly rare in Border Collie dogs. Find Border Collie Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Border Collie information. Il est doux, affectueux, très intelligent, athlétique et il est un excellent animal de compagnie. It was recognized and termed as merle in the early 2000s, but it has been visible in different dog breeds for years. Call now 612-270-6890. The blue merle Border Collie is a Border Collie dog with a particular coat pattern and color.
The origin of the blue merle Border Collie. History of Border Collies The classic working farm dog, the Border Collie originated in the border country between Scotland and England. It’s important to clarify that merle is a pattern, not a color. Depending on the breed, merle is also called dapple. The Blue Merle Border Collies provided by Rising Sun Farm are world class dogs that have gained international recognition for their performance. Matisse belongs to Paula Wright, of Haverhill, Suffolk, England. This color combination must be inherited from a parent breed with a merle gene.
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